T-442, T-495 and T-496 Terminal Connections

The two tables below give the primary and secondary terminal connections for the impedances shown. For primary connections, connect modulator plates and B+ to the terminals indicated by the letters underneath them (P for plates and CT for center tap, which connects to B+). For example, modulators with a plate-to-plate load impedance of 3800 Ohms will be used. Looking down the chart we find 3800 under the P-to-P column. Reading across we see that one modulator plate should be connected to terminal 1, the other to terminal 6, B+ is connected to terminal 11, and terminals 2 and 7 are joined or connected together, as are terminals 5 and 13.

For secondary connections, connect B+ to the terminal given first in the Connect To column and connect the other to the final amplifier stage. Join or connect together the other terminal pairs given under the Join column. For example, a secondary (RF) load of 4500 Ohms is to be modulated. Looking down the chart we find 4500 Ohms under the Load column. Reading across we see that B+ should be connected to terminal A, the final amplifier stage connected to terminal H, and terminal pairs B and C, D and E, F and G, should be joined.

The T-442 is a 600 watt unit rated for 400 mA maximum primary current, 400 mA secondary current, 3 kV maximum voltage for both primary and secondary, weight 45 pounds.

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P CT P Join
500 (1) 3
6 4-5
1900 3 10 13 4-7
2500 1 9 4 2-7, 3-13
3000 7 12 6 5-13
3800 1 11 6 2-7, 5-13
4200 3 10 6 4-7, 5-13
4900 14 15 17
5500 14 16 2 1-17
6600 10 15 2 12-14, 1-17
7100 1 16 4 2-14, 3-17
8000 12 15 4 13-14, 3-16
8900 3 16 13 4-14, 10-17
9900 1 15 13 2-3, 4-14, 10-17
10900 10 16 6 13-14, 5-17
12000 5 15 8 6-14, 7-17
13000 5 16 10 6-14, 7-17
14200 1 15 10 2-5, 6-14, 7-17
15400 1 15 12 2-3, 4-5, 6-14, 7-17
16700 7 16 6 2-3, 4-5, 12-14, 1-17
18000 1 16 13 2-3, 4-5, 6-14, 7-17
Connect To Join
20 A-B
80 C-D
180 A-D B-C
320 E-F
500 A-F B-E
720 C-F D-E
980 A-F B-C, D-E
1280 G-H
1520 A-H B-G
2000 C-H D-G
2430 A-H B-C, D-G
2880 E-H F-G
3400 A-H B-E, F-G
3900 C-H D-E, F-G
4500 A-H B-C, D-E, F-G
5100 I-J
5800 A-J B-I
6500 C-J D-I
7200 A-J B-C, D-I
8000 E-J F-I
8800 A-J B-E, F-I
9700 C-J D-E, F-I
10600 A-J B-C, D-E, F-I
11500 G-J H-I
12500 A-J B-G, H-I
13500 C-J D-G, H-I
14600 A-J B-C, D-G, H-I
15700 E-J F-G, H-I
16800 A-J E-F, F-G, H-I
18000 C-J D-E, F-G, H-I
19200 A-J B-C, D-E, F-G, H-I

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23 December 2004