Flight Through an Eimac 250TH 

 This animation was produced by Jim, WA2WHV, using Autodesk 3D studio, This animation was used by an educational TV production company (PCTV) with Jim's permission to use it for one production, which was broadcast on July 8, 1993. Please feel free to distribute the animation freely, but NOT WITHOUT this accompanying documentation. Use of this animation for commercial purposes without the permission of the artist is prohibited.

 (c) 1992 James P. Hawkins
18 Marlpit Place
Middletown, NJ
Tel # (908)706-0254.

 This version was optimized for Web delivery by Steve, WB3HUZ by compressing and coverting the original animation using Apple's QuickTime technology. The Quicktime browser plug-in 2.0 is required to view it. The plug-in is available at:


22 March 1998