General Technical Info
Three Diode Negative Peak Limiter The Aircheck Tape - An Audio QSL & Reception Report by Paul Courson, WA3VJB. Mic Amp by Bill, N2WXJ 70E8 PTO - How to Renew the Dessicant Pack by Paul Courson, WA3VJB. IERC Tube Shields for the R-390A by Chuck Rippel, WA4HHG. The Seven Deadly Caps - 75A-4 Repair and Restoration Tips by Chuck Rippel, WA4HHG A Quick and Not So Dirty Path To High Fidelity Audio by Steve, WB3HUZ The R-390A Owners Manual by Chuck Rippel, WA4HHG (Text version- use if you want to print it out.) A Zener Diode Negative Peak Limiter by Steve, WB3HUZ An Amazing Transformation (How to make a Mod Transformer from a TV Power Transformer) by Tim Smith, WA1HLR Simple Antennas for Ten Meters by Steve, WB3HUZ Oscilloscope Modulation Percentage Measurements Working Aid An NE602 Balanced Modulator 813 Transmitter Schematic - this is the famous (or infamous) ZEQ/JJ rig. Two-element Yagi for 10 Meters by Tom, K1JJ Another Low Distortion Detector by Rob, K2CU Centralab Couplate Info TNX to John, WB5OAU Grounding for Amateur Radio Stations by Bob, K4TAX An Improved Three Diode Negative Peak Limiter by Steve, WA1QIX Improved Ionospheric Propagation With Polarization Diversity, Using A Dual Feedpoint Cubical Quad Loop by George, AB2KC Lightning Protection by Bob, K4TAX Johnny Novice's Guide to Receivers by John, W3JN Series Modulated 807 by Bob, WB9ECK The Slab Bacon's "Receiver Road Test" by Frank, KB3AHE A Modulator for Rice Boxes by Bob, K1VUB (details for Ten Tec Paragon) Getting on 160 Meters - Without a Full-Sized Antenna by Steve, WB3HUZ Enhanced AM by George, W2WLR (tnx K4KYV) Johnson Navigator Meter Face Graphics tnx to W2FAL Specification Sheet for 4-1000 Triode Connected Grounded-Grid Service Tube Limter from 1957 Radio & Television News, tnx to WQ9E Anode Materials from 1935. Good info on the plates in our transmitting tubes. Tnx to K5PRO. HT-32 Restoration by Ken, K6FC Ranger Restoration by Ken, K6FC Taylor Super Modulation from 1948 Radio & Television News, tnx to WQ9E: Part 1 and Part 2 National MB-40SL Mult-Band Tank Manual tnx to W2ICQ Performance of Short Antennas - (verticals) from the IRE in 1947, tnx to K5PRO Solid State HV Rectifiers - design criteria from the IRE Transactions on Broadcasting, Vol BC-7, 1961, tnx to K5PRO
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